Zoom! The Invisible World of… a series of four books from QED Publishing that zooms in on the intriguing but invisible world of animals and plants, using macro-photography to reveal some weird and wonderful sights you will not have seen before. It features amazing close-up photos, and exciting new way of looking at wildlife. It looks at animal processes as well as particular species. It also features ‘What is it?’ questions and answers.
- Zoom!
- Zoom!
- Zoom!
- Zoom!
These reviews are from here, where the Wellington City Library, New Zealand, recommends the series:
Birds: Fantastic book to read if you want information and zoomed in pictures of your favourite birds. Especially seeing a picture of Hummingbird feathers up close.
Plants: A great book to read that zooms in on the intriguing but invisible world of plants. Great section on meat-eating plants.
Ocean Life: Want to see pictures of your favourite sea creatures up close? Want facts and information? Then this is the book for you. You even get to see a picture of a krill zoomed in.
Bugs: Great book to read if you want to see pictures of bugs up close. Lots of interesting facts.
This review is from the National Library of New Zealand website:
Initially, the photos attracted me to this book. The book tells us ‘macrophotography’ is the ‘art of taking pictures of small things in close-up’, and these beautiful photo illustrations show us the huge diversity of tiny sea life in its many fascinating shapes and forms. There are incredible shots of small colourful life forms, such as fish, crabs, sea anemones. Labels clearly show the different magnifications used. Some of the close-up photos are actual size and have a standard paperclip along side for comparison. There is information about each animal in the accompanying caption, and factoid boxes with related information are on every few pages. This is a great book to browse and marvel over the unusual illustrations and information.
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