This website is being created. In the meantime, you can contact Camilla de la Bedoyere via LinkedIn or on her personal email address which is cdelab (at)
- Art and Design
- Beasties (Bugs) in my Backyard
- Biography
- Book List 2018-2025
- Books for 11+
- Books for 5-11 Year Olds
- Books for Under 5s
- Comments from Publishers
- Contact
- Encyclopedias and Fact Books
- Epic Migrations
- Fun and Facts
- Guess Who…
- Guides and Handbooks
- Human Body Books
- Insight
- Learning Materials
- Letters from young readers
- Lifecycle Books
- Mega Spot the Difference
- Miles Kelly 100 Facts
- My Little Book of…
- QED Lifecycles
- QED Publishing: Could a….
- Reviews and Awards
- Ripley’s Believe it or Not!
- Snow Babies and Other Fun Stuff
- Spelling skills
- Splash!
- Teaching Reading and Spelling
- The Basics of Reading
- There are…
- Travel and Cookery
- Would you Rather…?
- Writing for Children
- Writing for Grown-ups
- Zoom