Puppy Secrets and Kitty Secrets

Around 2017, I helped QED Publishing create a couple of books for Scholastic. Called Puppy Secrets and Kitty Secrets, they were easy-readers with loads of very cute photos and they have been enormously successful. So successful, in fact, that the original print runs all sold out fast. (As far as I know, they were available in the US and the UK.) I get emails from readers’ parents, grandparents, librarians and teachers about these books regularly – in fact I get more correspondence about these two titles than all my other books combined! They are still available in some libraries, but everyone wants to find a copy for their little ‘un to enjoy at home, or to replace a much-loved copy that is falling apart. Sadly, they are now impossible to find, new or second-hand (and I’ve given away all my copies to desperate parents!). I’m sorry that if you want a copy of Puppy Secrets or Kitty Secrets I can’t really help you; if you scour secondhand websites you’ll see copies occasionally come up for sale. The only alternative suggestion I have is to try and get hold of some of the other ‘cute’ books I’ve worked on. You will find them in the Book List tab.

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